The DC Studios logo is set in a rainy Gotham alley
Following the events of Batman (2022), Oz Cobb, aka The Penguin, plays a show to take control of Gotham’s criminal underworld. From melting makeup to filming in freezing temperatures, Colin Farrell and Cristin Milioti talk about how they got into character during the production of The Penguin. Colin Farrell fought hard to make his version of the Penguin smoke tobacco in Batman (2022), but failed. For his own series, however, the character is depicted as an occasional smoker, with a penchant for cigars..
Penguin is simply awesome
The umbrella falls and the logo changes to the Warner Bros. logo. Featured in Graham Norton and guests: Lady Gaga/Demi Moore/Colin Farrell/Richard Ayoade/Jack Savoretti (2024). Woof.
I was wrong
Everyone knows what a great actor Colin Farrell is, but here he is unrecognizable as the Penguin. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him nominated for some awards for his role in this. The biggest surprise was Cristin Milioti as Sofia Falcone. I wasn’t too sure when I heard she was announced as the actress for this role, she’s a good actress but I didn’t think this role was for her.
This is how it’s done DC
She’s as good in this as Farrell and makes you believe that Sofia Falcone is a true match for the Penguin. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see her nominated for some awards for her role in this. This isn’t a typical DC or Marvel series, it’s a gangster series. This series takes place in the underground of the now half-ruined Gotham City and is a great follow-up to Matt Reeves' Batman.