The animated series stars: Silly Old Deadly Bear (2022)
Four children on their home planet make a mysterious discovery that leads them to be stranded in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Jude Law stars as the "Skeleton Crew" and more from a galaxy far, far away.
When I saw the first episode, I was happy that it was about 40 minutes long
I think the series has been great so far, but there’s one problem that really bothers me: the running time. Then came the second episode: it’s not even 25 minutes if you include flashbacks and credits.
Once you can’t lose yourself in the universe, if you’re warmed up to it, it’s over
If you get 25 minutes of a series every week, you have to watch what happened last week. Incredibly disappointing!
As for the cast: Oh my god, they’re kids
I might not be able to watch it for months and I’ll try to avoid all spoilers so I can see everything next year. It’s clear they haven’t had years of acting training.
However, the main characters are likable, the music is decent, and the action isn’t kid-friendly
After two episodes, I’m eager to see what happens next, but unfortunately I won’t find out until next year. Refresh your watch list with the latest streaming movies and TV shows coming to Disney+, including old favorites and premium newcomers.