Tolkein's The Hobbit
After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the facts about her pet-and fight for her family's survival-when the once-charming creature rapidly transforms into a giant, flesh-eating monster.. Charlotte names the spider Sting after seeing a copy of J.R.R. Sting is not the name of a spider in the Hobbit, rather the sword Bilbo uses to fight the spiders.. While supposed to be set in New York City, the Australian set comes through, doorknobs are about 3 ft from the ground in the U.S., here the knobs are halfway up the doors. When showing a street view, the cars are parked on the "wrong side" of the streets compared to the U.S..
Frank: I don’t think spiders make good pets
You know, spiders don’t have the capacity to love. A spider only knows two things and that’s eat and kill.. During the credits it is revealed that the dog Bonnie survived being taken by Sting.. Features Frankenstein (1931). What a Day to DieWritten by Patricia H.
It's not bad, it's not spectacular
EricsonPublished by Cradle Rocks & Low Tide MusicPerformed by The Pleasure SeekersCourtesy of d2 Music o/b/o Cradle Rocks Records. Sting is a good, not great kind of movie. Sure, it has a lot of cliches and it's fairly predictable, but it makes up for it with some cool aspects. First off, the spider looks and sounds pretty good. As a creature feature, it works fairly well.
The effects are quite good
A lot of it is set in the vents and air ducts of a Brooklyn brownstone, which is interesting but unfortunately underutilized. The claustrophobic setting generally does work pretty well. The kills are brutal, and it very much leans into the body horror subgenre (which is what disturbs me personally, so it was effective in that regard). Think back to middle school science class and imagine what you know spiders do to their prey, and now imagine that happening to people. That's what goes on in it.
The characters are bland, tropey, and forgettable
But then again, are you seeing this movie for the characters or for the killer spider? There's a great tension-building atmosphere, and there are some pretty cool shots from the spider's perspective. The dialogue isn't the best, and every attempt at humor falls flat. It's a fine movie, nothing too special, but if you're the type of horror fan who's in it for those brutal kills, it has those.